TanmuCare Gua Sha Tutorial

Ultimate step-by-step Facial Gua Sha Tutorials, Techniques, and SandalwoodTools from Chinese Gua Sha Expert

Facial Gua Sha, derived from the ancient Chinese technique, is a popular method in the world of skincare. As you may already know, Gua Sha involves scraping the skin to improve circulation and reduce tension. However, with so many facial Gua Sha tutorials out there, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of which method to use. Luckily, you can rely on TanmuCare to provide you with authoritative Gua Sha techniques from a Chinese doctor and Gua Sha expert, Professor Zhang. In this blog, we'll also be sharing some essential tips to remember, as well as some lesser-known practices that can truly enhance your Gua Sha routine.

Precaution: While Gua Sha is generally safe, some individuals should avoid it, check the link here for more detailed information. 

Why does Gua Sha work for radiating your skin? 

TanmuCare ulimate facial gua sha tutorial
Regularly practicing facial Gua Sha can stimulate the sensory nerves in the skin directly, enhances their conduction function, and improves skin microcirculation, enabling it to receive adequate oxygen and nutrients. Cell activation increases the regenerative ability of elastic cells and fiber cells in the dermis, which results in plump and elastic muscles, hydrated and smoother skin, and reduced wrinkles, achieving a beauty and skincare effect.

How to Perform Facial Gua Sha in the right way?

TanmuCare Gua Sha Tutorial meridians

According to traditional Chinese Medicine, there are nine meridians running through the face, with holographic acupoints corresponding to various organs throughout the body. Gua Sha should follow the median’s path and scrape according to the sequence:  from forehead to chin, and inside to outside of your face. Below are detailed step by step guide for your facial Gua Sha tutorial:

Before facial Gua Sha:· 

  • After washing your face with warm water, apply Gua Sha cream or oil evenly onto your face.
  • Use the  Gua Sha tool  and follow the muscles of your face in a single direction, starting from the midline towards the outer upper direction.  
  • Duration and frequency: Scrape each line for  5 -10 times, perform Gua Sha every three to seven days.

Facial Gua Sha Sequence by Gua Sha Expert Professor Zhang Xiu Qin:

TanmuCare Gua Sha Tutorial step-by-step

Forehead area: 

  • Step 1) Scrape the first line which is near to your  hairline  from the middle slowly to the temple. 
  • Step 2) Scrape the second line which is located at around the middle of your forehead from the middle slowly to the temple. 
Eye area: 
  • Step 3)  Scrape from the inner corner of your eye ( Jing Ming acupoint)  along your eyebrow and towards the outer corner of your eye (Tong Ziliao acupoint)
  • Step 4) Scrape from the inner corner of your eye (Jing Ming acupoint) along the lower eyelid, towards the outer corner of your eye (Tong Ziliao acupoint) 
  • Step 5) Scrape from the outer corner of your eye towards the temple
Nose area:
  • Step 6) Scrape from the middle of your eyebrow towards your nose tip. Scrape from the base of your ala nasi towards the middle of your ear (where Ting Gong acupoint locates) 
  • Step 7) Scrape from the middle of your upper lip (where Ren Zhong acupoint locates nearby)  towards the corner of your mouth (where Di Cang acupoint locates)
  • Step 8) Scrape from the middle of your lower lip (where Cheng Jiang acupoint locates) towards the corner of your mouth
  • Step 9) Scrape from the center point of your chin, and glide it along the edge of your jaw toward each ear.
  • Step 10) Remember to press the acupoints for 5 times during or after your Gua Sha

Back Gua Sha:

For a better result, you can choose to perform the Gua Sha at your back area as shown in the picture below and follow the steps every 2-4 weeks.

The Best Facial Gua Sha Tips

  • The key points of Gua Sha are to keep the tool’s angle small and ensure that 2/3 of the Gua Sha tool’s surface contacts the skin to allow pressure to penetrate into the muscle layer. 
  • Avoid pulling the skin and perform the Gua Sha strokes slowly. Stop when the skin feels slightly warm or has a light red flush. After Gua Sha, clean your skin and apply a nourishing cream.
  • Apply enough oil or cream to protect your skin.
  • Avoid cold wind during your Gua Sha routine, as it can directly invade the body through the pores and affect the efficacy of Gua Sha. Cover the scraped area with warm cloth before going outside in winter.
  • Each Gua Sha should not exceed 30 minutes. Don't pursue excessive Sha or redness/bruising during Gua Sha, as it can damage your skin and consume Qi.
  • Drink a cup of hot water after Gua Sha to rehydrate and promote the elimination of metabolic waste.
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